Book Haul!

I actually got these books in February and I did post a video of me hauling these books on Youtube, but I totally forgot to do it on my blog so here is my very very late book haul! haha (I get points for remembering right ?) Also I got all of these from The Book Depository: I got these(BTW if you click on the names of the books, the link will take you to the Goodreads page): Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi - I wasn't interested in this trilogy at first but then I saw Whittynovels (Booktuber) Rave about this trilogy and something in me was like ok you need to read this trilogy, you just need to ( maybe she hypnotized me lol), So I got them and I read them, and oh my lord I loved them!! (I have read Ignite me but I don't own the physical copy, I will buy it soon though!) Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi -Usually I don't like buying more than one book in a series because it would suck if I didn't like the first and didn't want to continue ...