An Award! :)

Hello everyone 
i got an award from the lovely Sophie(A Hint Of sparkle) i really didn't expect this, i saw on the blogger dashboard that she got an award and came to congratulate her i really didn't expect to see my name, thank you Sophie! <3

So the rules upon receiving this award are to 
1) answer the following questions
2)Link Back to the person who passed you the award
3) share seven random facts about yourself
4)Award 15 blogs

Faviourite Colour: it used to be green but now it's purple and blue
Faviourite Song: recently i have been loving Beyonce's Run The World <3 
Faviourite Dessert: ice cream with fruits in it  
What is pissing you off? right now nothing really 
When you're upset, you: just get on my bed under the covers hug my pillow and cry lol or just watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S that always cheers me up!  
Faviourite Pet: my two dogs Fido and Iza <3
Black or White: White
Biggest Fear: losing those i love ( my answer is the same as sophie's i just can't think of anything that i fear more than loosing those that i love  ) 
Your best feature: hmmm... i really like my eyes and my hair color 
Everyday attitude: happy lol 
What is perfection?: my mom's strawberry and blueberry cake <3 lol 
Guilty Pleasure: watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S over and over again lol ( never fails to make me laugh, no matter how many times i've seen it <3)

7 random facts: 
1. when i meet new people i get really nervous and shy and when i talk to them i move my hands around too much lol   (don't mean in a weird way, just when i speak or try to explain something hehe ) 
2. i REALLY want to live in England one day or at least go there once and i have wanted it ever since i was younger!
3. also ever since i was like 9 or younger i have wanted to learn dancing, and now if everything turns out well i will start :) 
4. i once went through a emo phase lol , i am soo glad that i got over it ( because emo makeup+me = not a  good look lol
5. i once had a pet rabbit his name was Tóti (adorable name for a rabbit in icelandic) but he died last year :/
 6. i love reading magazines and not just looking at the pretty clothes that i will never have(lol), but i also like reading the articles, mostly in the UK version Glamour and Cosmopolitan.
7.i cry easily lol, it's a curse, i mean like i am watching a movie, and the scene isn't even that sad and i still cry like a baby over it haha.

and now who i am passing the award onto: ( no specific order)
1.Madeline - *Cappuccino and Fashion*
2.Catalina - Fashion, Makeup, And Everything In Between.
3.Sadie - Live, Laugh, Love
4.Maya - MakeUpSpell
5. Vintage Makeup
6. Autumn's Blog
7. Walk The Street
8. Make Shake
9.The Girl With A Cute Pearl
10. Fashion Train
11. Click and Makeup
12.Katie - Come What May
13. Beccy - Just Smile
14. Mozzypop

i really love all of these blogs! they are the ones thatt i look forward to reading the most( plus Sophie's( the one who gave me the award) but i wasn't sure if it's against the rules to give the award to the one who gave it to you :S) 


  1. it's a suplimentary magazine to the issue and it's runway and a low down of all the key trends that sort of thing! and yes it is weird isn't it!

    hope your okay! x
    thanks for the comment on my blog! :)

  2. Thank you so much for the award. I already have a post on this award here:

    And I will add your link to my 'Awards' page. Thank you again!
    Btw, I loved reading your answers. I also like Friends a lot :)


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