how to follow my blog :)

Hey, since Google Reader and all that is going down ( or already did), and GFC might too, i have a few other ways that you can follow me. On the sidebar there are a few options like follow by email, Networked Blogs and Linky's, you can find those there and follow me with those and i've got a Bloglovin too (the button is on the sidebar and i put it on this post)

Follow on Bloglovin

Also the main reader i will be using will be feedly, I've been reading about that and i think it's great, plus you can just import everything from the google reader account there and it will all be on feedly, without you having to organize everything over again if you want to know more about feedly here is the links tips for google reader users migrating to feedly  and then there is the main site 

i hope you keep following my blog, thank you for reading :)


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