Top Ten Tuesday (4)

Hey everyone!, it's been a while since i did a top ten Tuesday and i wanted to do it today, but i forgot about it until now,  but it's still Tuesday in Norway so it's not that late haha, and this week's theme is:

        Top Ten Favorite Covers of Books I've Read

 These are in no particular order,

The Iliad & The Odyssey by Homer (love this edition, i recently bought it and it's gorgeous)

Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella ( i just adore this cover!)

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

Sisters Red and Sweetly by Jackson Pearce

Anna dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Life in outer space by Melissa Keil

Perfect Chemistry, Rules of Attraction and Chain Reaction by Simone Elkeles

The Lord of the rings and the hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Fault in our stars by John Green

The Perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky


  1. I have Jackson Pearce's covers on my list too! They are so awesome. Twenties Girl is another great pick. Here are mine

    1. Yeah they are reall pretty covers!, i love them

  2. Brilliant list, I'd never seen the Life in Outer Space cover before, so thanks for including it!

    1. No problem hehe :), when i saw it i just loved it instantly haha

  3. such great covers XD

    I'm a new follower(via the follow button and networkedblogs oh and bloglovin) who found you on a goodreads thread. Look forward to your future posts and i hope you're able to grab loooots of readers.

    Hopefully i can see you back on my blog, if your interested a follow back via bloglovin or gfc would be much appreciated!


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