Favorite Perfumes

First of all i would like to say that i can't explain scents at all, so this won't be that kind of a review where i explain to you how the scent smells like, because i honestly can't even try to explain it haha. Escada - Cherry in the air I bought this perfume this year, i went to this little shop in a town near me that has a lot of great sales on perfumes, it's where i got all of my perfumes, and i have been meaning to check this one out, and the second i smelt (smelt is right, right ?) it, i just fell in love with this scent, it has a very nice and fruity smell, which i really like, but not everyone likes it, my sister said that she felt like throwing up every time she borrowed my clothes because this scent was on them haha, it might be too sweet for some people. Lolita Lempicka This has been my favorite perfumes in years, ever since my sister had it, i kept stealing it from her and recently i got my own, even though it was a wee bit expensive i did...