My Fall/Winter Jacket/Coat wishlist

I have been looking around online a lot lately at jackets/coats and there were so many that i liked and wanted, so i decided to share them with you (but i won't show all of them since this list would never end if i did haha).
Those are the jackets/coats that i really liked, although i would probably never buy the orange one since no one here wears something with that kind of a color i still want it very much it is so pretty. If you are interested in checking out any of those coats i will leave the links ( Just click on the name of the store down below if you want to check a coat out better).

Grey: Bik Bok                                                                           Green/black: Vero Moda

Orange: Vero Moda                                                                   Purple: Gina Tricot


  1. I LOVE that green coat!


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