Books i got for Christmas

Hey everyone, i have been addicted to watching booktubers videos of what they got for Christmas, i have been actually craving it haha, i really enjoyed watching it and i wanted to do a post of the book i got for Christmas, these aren't all of them because a few months ago i got my Christmas present from my dad and i already did a haul on that, because i of course opened it early, there was no way that i had enough will power to wait until December lol.

First two books i got were from my sister that lives in Iceland and she asked me what i wanted and i gave her a list and she chose the best ones on it!
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien - I didn't know about this book until she told me about it and i was very excited for it and i can't wait to start reading it soon.
The Shining by Stephen King - ok I told her that if she were to buy any books for me that The shining would be the book that i wanted the most out of all of them and she did get it for me, I seriously screamed when I held it in my hands, I have been wanting to read this book for a very long time now and now I can, and I have already started! haha
The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen - This book was a present from me to me, It's my first Sarah Dessen book, I am more than a half way through I do like it so far but I am not completely sure I just have to finish it! haha.

Since the books i got from my sister are in this haul i wanted to say she also made me a scarf, she asked what colour i wanted ( i picked dark blue) and she made it from me, and I love it, I will be using it a lot, i love hand made presents, i think they are just so thoughtful and just great. I appreciate everything i get and love it.

I will be putting up another haul sometimes soon, of clothes i got myself, and stuff like that.

What did you get for Christmas ?


  1. What great presents! I love The Shining! Hope you have a great New Year :)


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