Book Review: Tangled by Emma Chase

Book Title: Tangles
Author: Emma Chase
Genre: Humor, Adult, Erotica, New Adult, Romance
Main Characters: Drew Evans (told from his POV), and Katherine Brooks
Setting: New York

Summary(From Goodreads): Drew Evans is a winner. Handsome and arrogant, he makes multimillion dollar business deals and seduces New York’s most beautiful women with just a smile. He has loyal friends and an indulgent family. So why has he been shuttered in his apartment for seven days, miserable and depressed?

He’ll tell you he has the flu.

But we all know that’s not really true.

Katherine Brooks is brilliant, beautiful and ambitious. She refuses to let anything - or anyone - derail her path to success. When Kate is hired as the new associate at Drew’s father’s investment banking firm, every aspect of the dashing playboy’s life is thrown into a tailspin. The professional competition she brings is unnerving, his attraction to her is distracting, his failure to entice her into his bed is exasperating.

Then, just when Drew is on the cusp of having everything he wants, his overblown confidence threatens to ruin it all. Will he be able untangle his feelings of lust and tenderness, frustration and fulfillment? Will he rise to the most important challenge of his life?

Can Drew Evans win at love?

Tangled is not your mother’s romance novel. It is an outrageous, passionate, witty narrative about a man who knows a lot about women…just not as much as he thinks he knows. As he tells his story, Drew learns the one thing he never wanted in life, is the only thing he can’t live without.

What I thought: Before I read this book I read a lot of reviews about it and let me tell you now that it was hard to find a negative review of this book (well not super hard, but I had to do a lot of scrolling... hahha), so many people enjoyed this book a lot, that for a moment I thought that I wouldn't enjoy it since so many people were raving about it, but after I started reading it I just fell in love with the characters, I laughed out loud, it was so good. 

Reading from Drew's point of view was just hilarious, I loved being in his head, which i honestly didn't think i would like, I usually hate guys like Drew, honestly, but the way he thought and spoke and the things he did just made me love him so much, he made me laugh and smile, it was just such a fun read, and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in reading it (even if you aren't completely sure if you want to read it, I definitely recommend picking it up and giving it a try!)

Stars: I originally gave this book a 4.5 stars out of 5, but thinking about it now, I want to give it 5 stars out of 5

Would I reread ?: I think in a few years, I would definitely be wanting to reread this book, I really enjoyed it.


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