Book Haul!

I actually got these books in February and I did post a video of me hauling these books on Youtube, but I totally forgot to do it on my blog so here is my very very late book haul! haha (I get points for remembering right ?)

Also I got all of these from The Book Depository:

I got these(BTW if you click on the names of the books, the link will take you to the Goodreads page):
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi - I wasn't interested in this trilogy at first but then I saw Whittynovels (Booktuber) Rave about this trilogy and something in me was like ok you need to read this trilogy, you just need to ( maybe she hypnotized me lol), So I got them and I read them, and oh my lord I loved them!! (I have read Ignite me but I don't own the physical copy, I will buy it soon though!)
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi -Usually I don't like buying more than one book in a series because it would suck if I didn't like the first and didn't want to continue reading the series(trilogy,saga) and I had all the books, but I had a feeling I would love this trilogy and I totally did!, thank god! haha

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer - I owned the first book ( I bought it a long time ago in Croatia, and I wanted to own all the books before I started reading them so I got the second and the third too.) I had to wait 5 weeks or much more for this one!, I have no idea why this book took so long to get to me because I got the other ones quickly, maybe they lost it and didn't find it right away or something, I am so glad that I have it now.
Cress by Marissa Meyer - I really need to start reading this series, I am so excited to start! haha, and hopefully I'll enjoy it because well I own all three books that are out right now.

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson - I already started reading this book and I am enjoying it very much so far!, I am so happy that I chose this one to get!.

Me and Earl and the Dying girl by Jesse Andrews - I heard so many Booktubers rave about this book, and I decided to get it, and so far I haven't been in the mood to read it but hopefully soon!.


And I am VERY happy to report that all three books are the same height and edition!, I was so afraid that they might be different heights or editions when i ordered them, but thankfully they are the same.
Have you read any of these book ? 
Did you enjoy them ?
Are you Interested in reading any of them ?


  1. I've recently purchased the complete Lunar Chronicles and Shatter Me sets (including all the novellas), can't wait to read them all!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  2. Awesome book haul Nena! I've been meaning to start the Mafi and Meyer series, but just haven't found the time to! I hate it when books don't match up as well, so I'm glad yours ended up matching. It sucks because I live in Australia and there's always different covers for the same books.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Joy @ Thoughts By J


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