Skin: Morning Routine

Today i have a morning skin routine for you guys, i do this practically everyday (i don't use all of them everyday sometimes i skip some of them because i like to change things up).

First i wash my face with Garnier Pure Active Blackheads uprooting scrub, i use this all the time even during night, i feel like it really cleans my face and it is a really good scrub, currently one of my favourites (but i won't give everything away since i will do a review on it soon).

And on some days when i have more time i use Formula 10.0.6 Deep down detox ultra-cleansing mud mask, so far i am liking this mud mask, i haven't used it a lot since i only use it when i have enough time, but so far so good.

Then i use Formula 10.0.6 So totally clean deep pore cleanser, this one i have been loving a lot, there is just one thing that i would complain about and that is the scent (i will get into that better in my review), but it doesn't bother me that much, it might bother others though.

After that i use my Declaré skinatura Balance and sooth SOS serum, i don't really know how i feel about this product it's 50/50, on some days i love it and on other days I'm like meh...

Lastly i use this Garnier Moisture Match Dry to Very Dry skin 24h nourishing rich cream, i recently got this one so it's new in my routine, i can't say much about it except that so far my skin is loving it, but if i wasn't using this cream i would be using any Nivea creams because Nivea has many of my favourite face creams that work really well for my skin.

- Have you tried any of these products, what did you think of them, or if you haven't would you want to try any of them ?


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