Small Book Haul

Hey everyone today i have a book haul for you but before we get to the books i wanted to tell you what i plan on doing this month(from yesterday til the 31st) since i have been sucking so badly at blogging lately i plan on blogging everyday this month about just anything books,makeup, clothes, music, movies and other stuff, i am really excited about this so i hope you guys like it :D, and now on to the haul (by the way if you want to check out the book on goodreads just click on the name of the book because i put a link on it.)

1. The Ghost's Child by Sonya Hartnett (i got this book at this used bookstore near me it was really cheap and sounded interesting so i got it, plus the condition is excellent, it's like i bought it brand new)

2. Things that nobody knows by William Hartston (i went to go get my uncle in Oslo a few weeks ago, and in the airport there is a bookstore and i just had to check it out i mean i can't walk past a bookstore and not peek in haha, and there were so many books that i wanted to get but i could only get one since i didn't bring a lot of money, so i got this one, i don't know why honestly but yeah i am hoping that it's good and interesting.

3. The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling (I have wanted this book since it first came out, so when i went into my local bookstore that doesn't have many English books and saw this book on sale for 89 kr (before it cost like 249 kr or more and that is too much for a book in my opinion) i literally grabbed it and didn't want to let go, i couldn't believe what i saw honestly i had to look at the price 10 times to be sure.

So that is it for this little book haul, Have you read any of these books, if so what did you think of it and if not do you plan on reading any of them ?.


  1. Hi Emma. Just saw you on Goodreads and followed you via gfc bloglovin kinky. I would love for you to follow back Mina's Bookshelf I am also on Facebook and Twitter Hope you'll like/follow! Many thanks :)


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