Top Ten Tuesday (5)

As some of you know this is a meme that i sometimes join when i like the topic and this week i really liked the topic so i decided to post! Top 10 books you would recommend to X person ( and for me that is friends, just any friend) 1. The Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead Why: When i first found these series (it was when only 3 books were out), I read those three books in one day and one night, i just couldn't stop reading, i literally finished an hour before i had to wake up to go to school, i was so tired but so excited, and when i looked when the next book was going to come out, it said in a year, so i was pretty bummed!, and now i have all the books!, so i can read them over and over again, and i definitely would, because this series is that good. 2. The Fault in our Stars by John Green Why: This is just a book that everyone has to read, it is that good, i cried and laughed and cried and laughed, it was an emotional rollercoaster... in a good way ha...