Top Ten Tuesday (5)

As some of you know this is a meme that i sometimes join when i like the topic and this week i really liked the topic so i decided to post!

Top 10 books you would recommend to X person ( and for me that is friends, just any friend)

1. The Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead

Why: When i first found these series (it was when only 3 books were out), I read those three books in one day and one night, i just couldn't stop reading, i literally finished an hour before i had to wake up to go to school, i was so tired but so excited, and when i looked when the next book was going to come out, it said in a year, so i was pretty bummed!, and now i have all the books!, so i can read them over and over again, and i definitely would, because this series is that good.

2. The Fault in our Stars by John Green

Why: This is just a book that everyone has to read, it is that good, i cried and laughed and cried and laughed, it was an emotional rollercoaster... in a good way haha, i was hesitant in reading this book at first because i was spoiled, some idiot told me the ending, and i was literally like NOOOOOOOO, ugh, but in the end i decided to read it anyway and thankfully i did because it was amazing.

3. The Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella

Why: These books had my laughing my ass off a lot, they are so funny and witty and sad at some times, and so good and addicting, when you finish one book you immediately want to read the next one and then next one and on and on...

4. Beauty Queens by Libba Bray

Why: I just thought this was a nice quirky book that i really enjoyed and i feel like my friends would enjoy it too, i already had one of my friends buy it and read it and she loved it too, so score! haha.

5. The Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Why: There are a lot of reasons why i would recommend this one!, this series is more for adults though, it does have sexual content in it,  but even if you aren't comfortable with sex in books you could skip those parts because i love the story lines too, even thought there are like 30 books or more, i am definitely planning on reading all of them because they are just addicting, and every book is a different couple ( but couples from previous books will show up in future books too just not as main characters).

6. Can you keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella

Why: This was such a cute book, i loved the storyline and the characters and everything, i might be a little biased though because i just love all of Sophie Kinsella's books and i do feel like everyone can enjoy them ( well of course not everyone since a lot of people like different genre's, but a lot of people would definitely love her books).

7. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Why: I don't think i even need to say why, i mean if you have read this book and loved it like i did you would definitely know why i would recommend it!

8. Divergent by Veronica Roth

Why: It is definitely my favourite dystopian book along with The Hunger Games (but practically everyone has read The hunger games so i wouldn't really need to recommend it haha).

9. The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Why: I just love Sophie Kinsella haha, i mean if i love something i should definitely share it with my friends so that they can love it ( or god forbid.. hate it haha) with me!. also a warning.. the next book is by Sophie Kinsella too haha..

10. Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

Why: Well it is so different from any other book i have read, and i think this is my first ghost book haha, but it is hilarious, witty and so much fun, it is definitely a must read!, go buy this book now!, you won't regret it! ( unless you don't like it... then you might regret it... haha), but i didn't regret buying it, it was so good!.


  1. VA!! The movie is coming out soon. Great list. My TTT

    1. yeah i am so looking forward to that!! :D

  2. I love The Fault in Our Stars and Divergent! They're such great books. :)

    Nice list!

    Emma @ Spun With Words

  3. Great list, The Perks of Being a Wallflower is my favorite book and I loved The Fault in Our Stars as well.

    1. Thank you!, yeah it is on of my favorites, it is one of those books that will always be on my favorites list, it was just so good <3,

  4. The Vampire Academy series is kind of like my literary shame, I own all the books but I haven't read a single one of them! I think I'm waiting for a time when I can just sit down and read them one right after the other.

    Roxy @ Story Envy

    1. :O!, you should definitely try to read them soon, they are really good ( some say that it gets more interesting after the second or third book, but i enjoyed all of them).

      thank you for commenting <3


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