Blogmas 2013

*picture taken by me*

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great November so far, I just wanted to talk about the fact that in December (starting on the 1st of December of course), I will be blogging every day until January 1st, I thought this would be a fun thing to do since I had such a fun time blogging every day in October, There will be some tags, reviews, favourites and stuff like that, I have already written down a list of posts I want to do and I already started writing some of them, hopefully you guys will like it and maybe join me doing Blogmas (people on Youtube do Vlogmas so I just changed the name to Blogmas, so it's not something I just came up with haha).

Will you do Blogmas or are you doing something else for December ?


  1. Nice idea to change it to Blogmas for people that don't do YouTube. I was thinking about doing vlogmas myself but i don't have time :/

    1. thank you, i really wanted to do something fun for my blog so that i would be more inspired to blog and then i remembered the Vlogmas on Youtube and really wanted to do it!, aww, maybe you could do every other day ?, hopefully I'll have the time for it! haha


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