New book haul!

I recently got some books and I wanted to share with you the books that I got, I actually got these a few weeks ago and I already did a video haul but as always I forgot to do a blog post about it, I really need to remember to do both haha.
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami - I was never actually interested in this book before, but when I saw it in the book store there was something that was pushing me towards it, I just couldn't help but pick it up and it does sound more interesting than I thought it did, I read a chapter and I am really liking it so far.
The Maze Runner by James Dashner - This is another book that I was never interested in before, but when I saw the trailer (btw how cute does Dylen O'brien look in it!?) I just thought it was so awesome that I just had to get it, it was actually the reason why I was in the book store, I was looking for this book.
Looking for Alaska by John Green - I have already read this book a few years ago, but I wanted to reread it and own it for myself and that is the reason why I bought it. When I got home though I realized that I should have bought Paper Towns instead because I wanted to read that book more... D'oh.
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes - I've recently heard a lot about this series on booktube and I just decided to buy it, it sounds like an awesome book even though I don't read much fantasy, I do want to read more of it.

So that is it for my haul, thank you for reading, if you want to know more about these books just click on the names and it will direct you to the goodreads page, and you can read all about them there. 

Have you read any of these books ?
Do you plan on reading any of these books ?


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