Top Ten Tuesday: Characters that I love

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

This week we get to choose what we want but it has to be top ten characters something (like top ten characters, top ten characters i would love to be friends with or top ten characters that are talented, you can pick about anything)

I will pick Top Ten Characters that I love and would love to be friends with.

1. Rose Hathaway ~ Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead: I've always loved Rose and she has always been my favorite character ever and she will always be on top of that list, she is the best friend I always wished I had and still do.
2. Kenji & Warner~ Shatter me trilogy by Tahereh Mafi: I ofcourse had to add these two, I love them so much I can't even think about them without fangirling! haha  
3. Abby, Isaiah, and Beth ~ Pushing the limits series by Katie Mcgarry
4. Cath ~ Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell: I recently read this book and I absolutely loved it, I would so love to be friends with Cath and fangirl with her.
5. Mia, Adam, & Kim ~ If I stay & Where she went by Gayle Foreman: I am absolutely in love with these two books, I just can't hold the feels every time I even think about these books, I watched the trailer 3 times and cried twice! (The first time I watched the trailer I hadn't read the books.)
6. Lola ~ Lola and the boy next door by Stephanie Perkins: I loved Lola(probably more than Anna), I just loved her personality and the way she dresses, and basically everything about her.
7. Tabitha & Valerius ~ Seize the night (Dark Hunter #6) by Sherrilyn Kenyon: I ofcourse had to add some dark hunter characters on this list!, it is one of my favorite series ever and thinking about it Tabitha and Valerius are my favorite characters in this series so far.
8. Zsadist ~ Lover Awakened (Black Dagger Brotherhood #3) by J.R. Ward: I just love him, I have no words for how much I love him.
9. Zarek ~ Dance with the devil (Dark Hunter #3) by Sherrilyn Kenyon: I always just loved him, even before I got to his book, I am so glad he got a HEA.
10. Jordan & Henry ~ Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally: I just really love these two.

Which would you pick ?


  1. I haven't gotten around to reading a few of these yet, but I totally agree with you about Zsadist. Love him! Great list!

    Alma @ Journey Through Fiction

    1. Hi, You should they are really good books!

      Yeah!, he is my favorite, even before I got to his book he really interested me.

  2. This is an awesome topic. I agree with you on Jordan & Henry they were both awesome. I'm not a huge Zsadist fan.. :(

    have a good week.

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

    1. Hi, Thank you!; yeah they are!, I wish I knew and hung out with people like them they seem like a hoot! haha

      aww why not ?, he's totally my favorite!, and who is your favorite (if you do have one from BDB)

    2. I'll just answer you here lol. I do like Zsadist, but when I got to his book I stopped liking him as much. He was just a major disappointment to me. I still thought his book was good, but I just wish it could have been better. So I think if I had to choose one of them it would be Wrath, and then Payne. She was one of my favorite characters of the whole series.


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