Currently Reading #1: Winter Wonderland by Belinda Jones

Hey everyone!, I am currently reading a few books at once, I have a few books I am reading for school and a few books I am reading for fun, so I wanted to share with you one of the books I am currently reading.

1. Winter Wonderland by Belinda Jones
Synopsis: Imagine waking up in a snow globe...

That’s how travel journalist Krista feels when she arrives in magical Quebec to report on Canada's glittering Winter Carnival.

Over ten sub-zero days Krista's formerly frozen heart begins to melt as she discovers an enchanting world of ice palaces, husky dog-sledding and maple-syrup treats galore. And then she meets Jacques, a man as handsome and rugged as he is mysterious…

The two share a secret that could bond them forever, but can they find a way to break through the protective layers around their hearts to warm up this winter wonderland?

…let the snow-spangled adventure begin

I know it's still October (well for 2 more days), but I am in such a Holiday mood and I've been wanting to read this book for a long time, and now is the perfect time, I've been listening to Christmas songs and been wanting to watch Christmas movies already ( Yes, I am one of those people who get into a Christmas mood way too early haha). 

The synopsis of this book sounds really good, plus I've read a few of Belinda's books and I loved them, so I know I will enjoy this book.
Also I wanted to ask you guys what your favorite Christmas themed books are, I am looking for more Christmassy(is that a word ? lol) books to read but there are so many and it's so freaking hard to choose!. 

Basically I am asking if you could recommend me some Christmas themed books, nothing paranormal though, I just want a normal realistic cheesy romantic holiday book.

Have you read this book ?
If yes, What did you think of it ? 


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