Feature and Follow Friday #1

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts,× Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and× Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own× Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!

This weeks Question is:
Characters, sometimes our favorites, die during books. If you’d get to choose, who would you bring back?
If you haven't read Divergent, The Fault in our stars, Harry Potter, and If I stay then please be careful not to get spoiled.
1. Divergent - Tris, I actually didn't read Allegiant because I was spoiled on what would happen and I got pretty pissed off and I didn't want to continue reading it and I don't think I'll ever pick it up, unless somehow the author magically brings back Tris lol.
2. The Fault in Our Stars - Augustus Waters ~ I cried like I don't even know what when he passed away, before I read the book I was spoiled and knew he would die, and for a while I didn't want to read the book, but then I thought well since I know the ending it might hurt less....boy was I wrong lmao.
3. Harry Potter - Dobby - That was the worst thing ever :(, Poor Dobby, I really wish he hadn't died, whyy J.K Rowling??, WHY??, ugh.
4. If I stay - Mia's little brother, It really sucked that her parents died, but the second worst part was that her little brother died too, he was so young, and had so much more left to do, I was sad when her parents died, but I teared up a lot when her little brother died, that was the second worst part (first being that her whole family died of course.)

I prefer both GFC and Bloglovin' so whichever you choose to follow me with is fine with me (you can also follow on both if you want hahah)


  1. I was going to pick Tris, Augustus and Mia's brother, too! I'm still not over them - any of them!

    New follower via GFC and Bloglovin!
    Kristen @ One Chapter Ahead

    1. I don't think I'll ever get over them haha. :/

  2. Those deaths were so sad :/

    New follower via GFC and bloglovin.
    My FF
    ~Karina@Watcha Reading

    1. Yeah :/, like I've said before, I like to be in denial and say that those parts of the books never happened and that they are all alive and happy hahaha.

  3. I feel the exact same way about Dobby. I was so flipping upset!!
    Old follower
    Monique @ Mo_Books

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you back via bloglovin!

    I didn't read the book, but I saw the movie, The Fault in our Stars, and I bawled my eyes out! It was horrible sad.

    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  5. Yes! All 4 of those deaths just broke my heart! So good! New Bloglovin' follower! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!


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