Bout of books 10.0: Books You're Looking Forward to Challenge

Today's challenge is all about books you are looking forward to reading this summer, so I have to make a list of the 10 books I am most looking forward to reading this summer.

1. Take me on by Katie Mcgarry ~ Pushing the Limits #4
2. Since you've been gone by Morgan Matson
3. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
4. To all the boys I've loved before by Jenny Han ~ To all the boys I've loved before #1
5. Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
6. Faking it by Cora Carmack ~ Losing it #2
7. All lined up by Cora Carmack ~ Rusk University #1
8. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins ~ Rebel Belle #1
9. Side effects may vary by Julie Murphy
10. Biggest flirts by Jennifer Echols ~ Superlatives #1

So those are all 10 books I am most looking forward to reading this summer.
How about you ?
What are you looking forward to reading this summer ? (you don't have to mention 10 books haha)


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