Bout of Books Challenge 1: If you like X, try Y

All you have to do is give one or more recommendations based on the formula "If you like ____, try ___."

The specifics are entirely up to you. You can give a recommendation based on an entire genre, an author, a title, a random subject, whatever!

I am going to go with Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles, so if you like/love that book these are the books I recommend to you:

1. Pushing the Limits by Katie Mcgarry ~ Book 1 in the Pushing the limits series.
2. Dare you to by Katiee Mcgarry ~ Book nr 2 in the Pushing the limits series.
3. Crash into you by Katie Mcgarry ~ Book nr 3 in the Pushing the limits series. (My favorite out of the three that are out.)

So those were my recommendations I hope you liked them and I hope you check them out.


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