Top 10 Favorite songs (May 2014)

Hey everyone!, I was slacking a lot in the music department on my blog so I decided to start doing top 10 favorite songs again every month and this month my special guest Claire from BooksWithClaire will be joining me so I will tell my top 5 and she will tell her top 5 favorite songs.
Photo not made by me
My top 5 songs this month are: ( lol this month I loved 1D wayy too much haha, I just really love their new songs)
1. Little Black Dress - One Direction
2. Diana - One Direction
3. You&I - One Direction
4. Give me love - Ed Sheeran
5. Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood

And Claire's top 5 are: 
1 Bastille - Oblivion
2. London grammar - Waiting my young years
3.Muse - Map of the problematique 
4. Poliça - Dark star
5. Daughter - Amsterdam  
So those are our top favorite songs that we have on repeat this month, I know I've been listening to
1D songs over and over this month (and this past year lol)
What about you guys ?
What have you been listening to ? 


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